Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How Much Do I Need For Retirement?

No doubt financial adviser may give you an accurate number; but, we must always have a simple mathematical mindset to calculate the amount needed before we can really think of retirement. The simple mathematical calculation is involved two simple questions - what is your yearly expenditure? and what is the number of year on retirement?

For example, if your yearly spending is 100,000 and retirement number is 25, your ideal retirement fund will be 2.5 million.

Then, think about the yearly rate of return where the fund can generate a passive income of 100,000 a year from the 2.5 million retirement fund. If the retirement fund is able to generate a net 4% yearly rate of return in order to get 100,000 a year, you will definitely have enough money to spend in your whole retirement years until your heart stops pumping! It is basically more than 25 years, it is a perpetual passive income if you can hit the 4% rule!

Go check your yearly expenditure now! You will know the answer, start saving and investing for the 4%!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New Year New You (2014)

Year 2014 now, what is in your mind for the "New Year, New You"? Reading an article in a magazine recently, The Expat, had motivated me writing down some notes for the new year. Wishing all individuals can let go of past stresses and start afresh, do writing down your own creative solutions and making a list of new year resolutions for this upcoming year even though they may be just your dream or wishful thinking.

In Life There Are No Failures, Only Lessons. Keep energising yourself and moving forward as this can really help in changing our perception about the meaning of our life. Practise meditation - simply close your eyes and focus your breathing for 10 minutes - it may release your stress and keep you inspired.

Write Down Goals For The Upcoming Year. Though they may just your wishful thinking, making such a personal list help maintaining positive thinking in our mind. It is ok to be as ambitious as you want to make it like you want to be a millionaire this year and bla bla bla. Find a topic to kick start and you never know where your interests could lead.

Just be happy with yourself, no matter how poor or how rich you are now!